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IT Apprenticeships are an industry-driven, high-quality career opportunity where employers access a larger pool of potential candidates that they can hire, develop and retain. 


Apprentices “earn and learn” at the same time because they are hired & participate in can classroom instruction, mentorship, on-the-job training & receive a nationally-recognized credential.


ACDS is providing efficient, community based apprenticeship programs that provide the advanced training component to ACDS corporate partners as they establish apprenticeship programs in IT, data science and cyber occupations. ACDS provides the curriculum to teach the industry recognized skills, with a customized portion of the curriculum allowing individual corporations to teach its own specific culture and processes and tools.


The Apprenticeship Process

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Training & Pre-Apprenticeship



This FREE training can lead you to a career in IT while allowing you to learn about the foundational topics, methods, and skills as a starting point for your future apprenticeship and career in information technology. 


Apply today at 

UA Global Campus

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ReSKILL Arkansas

ACDS is a proud partner of the ReSKILL Arkansas program that is striving to get Arkansans back to work while starting their career in tech and enhancing their IT skills. 


Learn more HERE today.

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LaunchCode's LC101

In partnership with ACDS and the support of Walton Family Foundation, LC101 has landed in Arkansas. This FREE programming course focuses on full-stack web development and is a great starting point for your future tech career.

Apply today at


AWS Training & Certification 


With AWS Training and Certification, you'll gain the cloud skills you want and need to make strides in your tech career. 


If you're interested in registering for this month's FREE training sessions, please email us.

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Data Analyst
Cybersecurity Specialist
QA Developer
C-Unix Developer
CAD Technician
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Find Your Future Talent 
FAQ Apprenticeship

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is a registered apprenticeship a job?

Yes! You are a full-time employee when you join an Apprenticeship. A Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) is the first step in your long-term tech career with your new company. RAPs are an industry-driven, high-quality career pathways where an individual obtains paid full-time experience, classroom instruction, mentorship, and a portable, nationally-recognized credentials.

Q: How long are apprenticeship programs?

The length of an apprenticeship program can vary depending on the employer, complexity of the occupation, industry, and the type of program, but must be a minimum of one year.  Since you are employed by your new company during your Apprenticeship program, after the first year, you will continue on in your tech role with your company. 

Q: Are there apprenticeships in high-growth industry sectors?

Yes! Apprenticeship spans more than 1,000 occupations including careers in health care, cyber-security, information technology, and energy.

Q: How is a registered apprenticeship different from programs? 

Apprenticeship programs are distinguished from other types of workforce hiring and training by several factors:


(1) Apprenticeships are jobs! Apprentices earn wages from their employers from the outset of the training and are employed full-time from Day One;


(2) Apprenticeship programs provide on-the-job learning and job-related classroom training;


(3) On-the-job learning is conducted in the work setting under the direction of a mentor(s) while productivity and competency development are monitored.


(4) The completion of the apprenticeship results in an industry-recognized and portable credential.

Q: Who are typical registered apprenticeship employers & partners?

Through a proven system of public-private partnerships, Registered Apprenticeship partners span a wide range of organizations including, (but not limited to): Businesses, employer and industry associations, Labor-Management organizations, State and local workforce development agencies, Workforce Investment Boards, Institutes of Technology (BCIT), Two- and four-year colleges that offer associate and bachelor's degrees in conjunction with a Certificate of Completion of Apprenticeship, U.S. Military, Community Based Organizations and economic development organizations.  To learn more about becoming an ACDS partner, please visit our Partners page or if you are interested in learning how to register your company as part of an upcoming Apprenticeship program, please visit our Employers page.

Q: How do I qualify for a Registered Apprenticeship Program?

Registered Apprenticeship program sponsors identify the minimum qualifications to apply for a program. The eligible starting age can be no less than 16 years of age; however, individuals must usually be 18 to be an apprentice in most IT occupations. Program sponsors also identify additional minimum qualifications to apply, (e.g., education, ability to physically perform the essential functions of the occupation, proof of age.) All applicants are required to meet the minimum qualifications.

Q: How long does it take to get hired into an Apprenticeship Program?

After completing your application for an Apprenticeship Program, our Talent Acquisition team will review your information and reach out to schedule an initial screening phone call.  Upon confirming your eligibility for the program, you will complete an assessment, practice interview and then we will begin working to find a match with an Employer partner. 


Since our programs are dependent on Employer's current open positions, it could be several months before we're able to begin scheduling you to interview with Employers. We encourage candidates working to get into a career in IT to continue to apply directly with employers and we're just as excited as your are whether you start your IT career through one of our Apprenticeship Programs or via your own personal search.  Our goal is to get IT talent to Arkansas employers and we will celebrate with you!

Q: What is the difference between an internship and an apprenticeship?

The Department of Labor does not have an official definition of internship or externship.
However, generally speaking, differences between internships and apprenticeships include:


1. Length of Time: Internships are usually short term and temporary(1-3 months) and apprenticeships are longer term and permanent (1-3 years).


2. Structure:  Apprenticeships include a structured training plan, with a focus on mastering specific skills an employer needs to fill an occupation within their organization, while, Internships aren’t structured and often focus on providing a student with meaningful work experience.


3. Mentorship: Apprentices receive individualized training with an experienced mentor who walks them through their entire process. Internships do not always include mentorship.


4. Pay: Apprenticeships are paid experiences that are part of a progression of full time employment. Internships are often unpaid and may not lead to a full-time job.


5. Credential: Apprenticeships lead to an industry-recognized credential. Internships typically do not lead to a credential.


6. College Credit: Internship and apprenticeship experiences may both lead to college credit, although some apprenticeship programs could lead to a debt-free college degree.

Q: How does a Registered Apprenticeship program benefit the sponsor (employer, Labor Management Organization, or Industry Association)?

First and foremost, Apprenticeship sponsors develop highly skilled employees. Once established, Apprenticeship programs also reduce turnover rates, increase productivity, lower the cost of recruitment, and increase the ability for a company, a community and the state of Arkansas to attract more talent.

P.O. Box 7959

Little Rock, Arkansas 72217

Tel: 501-500-0811


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Copyright 2022 | Arkansas Center for Data Sciences
A registered 501(c)3. All Rights Reserved.
ACDS is supported by the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) of the United States Department of Labor (DOL) as part of an grant award (Closing the Skills Gap) totaling $2,000,000 with 20% funded by DOL and $8,000,000 (80%) financed from non-Federal sources - including funding support from our partnership with the Arkansas Office of Skills Development and private donors.

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