The story behind the refined ACDS logo and tagline
Clint Hankinson,
Director of Marketing,
SINCE THE FOUNDING of the Arkansas Center for Data Sciences (ACDS) in late 2018, our team has been very busy! We’ve introduced the state of Arkansas to the Registered Apprenticeship model of workforce development, helping more than 100 Arkansas employers discover the value of this supplemental pathway to meeting their tech talent needs. We’ve also helped 300+ Arkansas apprentices to find new, well-paying careers in IT.
And our impact is growing: We’re reaching a broader audience. Serving more employers. Building our talent base. With this new growth and increased momentum, we felt it was time to refine our logo to better communicate our identity and leadership role in the state. These are the key elements of what the logo represents:
Our mission is to serve Arkansans. We’re singularly committed to offering programs and services to help the people across our state build better careers and lead better organizations. Naturally, then, our new logo proudly evokes the geographic focus of our mission—the state of Arkansas.
Through training opportunities, talent acquisition services, networking events, and many other programs, we’re helping build the technology workforce in Arkansas. The dots and connecting lines in our logo represent data points and the flow of information throughout our state’s growing IT network.
We’re connecting our communities. We bring together students, parents, educators, career-seekers, employers, and other leaders, helping them succeed in a rapidly changing work environment. We believe that we’re all stronger together. The dots and lines also represent connection points between our many audiences.
To ensure a successful future for Arkansas, we need every voice. Our team works hard to recruit all interested Arkansans to the IT field. We need every ethnicity, gender, background, and level of experience to join us. The gradient of our branded blue and green (the colors of The Natural State) represents the diverse audiences we serve.
New Tagline
Finally, to clearly communicate who we are and what we do, we created a new tagline: “Growing & Advancing Arkansas's Technology Workforce.” Let's break it down:
1. Growing addresses the capacity of our mission. We're working with employers and talent to increase the volume of technology jobs in Arkansas.
2. Advancing addresses the upward mobility of our mission. For us to remain a national leader in technology, our state’s technology professionals must have access to the latest training opportunities and resources. ACDS works to make our tech talent the best it can be.
3. Arkansas: As stated at the outset above, ACDS is focused on, and committed to, helping our home communities thrive.
4. Technology Workforce: While our name says "data sciences," we're more than that. ACDS helps employers and professionals succeed in other technology fields, including software development, cybersecurity, and many others.
We at ACDS are grateful for the opportunity we’ve been given to help impact our state’s workforce—and bring about a brighter future for all Arkansans.